Kelley offers the industry’s best features in its cost-effective mechanical dock leveler. Premium features such as single point adjustment main springs and integral maintenance struts make Kelley mechanical dock levelers your best choice.
Kelley CM Mechanical Dock Leveler
Kelley’s CM series mechanical dock leveler provides the most economical solution, featuring an extension spring counterbalance system with single adjustment point, piano-style lip hinge, solid steel structural support legs and Kelley’s unique open frame design.

Mechanical Dock Leveler Features:
- Unique oil-tempered chromium silicon steel extension spring counterbalance with single-point adjustment for easy routine maintenance
- Below-dock endloading capability
- Automatic lip extension holds the lip out at the top of its cycle. The lip remains yieldable throughout the operation
- Unique hold-down provides unlimited float through leveler working range
- Anti-interference cam to limit leg interference
- Structural steel support legs for free-fall protection
- Working-range toe guards (full-range optional)
- Open frame design for easy clean-up, maintenance and inspection
- Integral deck maintenance strut and lip lock with lock-out capability
- Lip keepers secure leveler when overhead door is down